Tags are dynamic template elements that give you the ability to fetch, filter, and display content from anywhere in your site, enhance and simplify your markup, and empower your users with dynamic features.
Tag | Description |
404 | Trigger a 404 response. |
asset | Used to retrieve a single asset's data. |
assets | Fetch image/file Assets from an Assets field or container. |
cache | Cache a template chunk for performance. |
collection | Grab and filter the entries in a specified Collection. |
collection:count | Get the number of entries in a collection. |
collection:next | Grab the next entries relative to current entry in a Collection. |
collection:previous | Grab the previous entries relative to current entry in a Collection. |
dump | Dump all the variables in the current context. |
entries | Iterate over entries in a Collection. |
entries:listing |
An alias of the entries tag, for backwards compatibility.
env | Output environment variable values. |
foreach | Loop through the items of a named key/value array |
form | Create and display submissions grouped into different sections. |
form:create |
Generate necessary <form> markup to accept form submissions.
form:errors | Display form errors. |
form:set | Wrap a group of form tags to set them all to the same formset. |
form:submission | Display data immediately following a successful submission. |
form:submissions | Iterate over and display data from form submissions. |
form:success | Boolean if a form submission was successful. |
get_content | Fetch data by one or more URLs regardless of content type. |
get_files | Retrieve and filter a list of files. |
get_value | Grab an associative array value so you can filter and loop through it. |
glide | Manipulate images on the fly using the wonderful Glide library. |
glide:batch | Convert a batch of img URLs to their Glide counterparts. |
glide:generate | Generate images with a tag pair syntax that exposes variables. |
increment | This tag will create an incrementing index for you. |
iterate | Iterate over an array with key/value pairs. |
link |
Makes links. Alias of the path tag.
locales | Iterate through and output localized versions of content. |
markdown | Convert content between the tags from markdown into HTML. |
markdown:indent | Convert content between the tags into markdown, ignoring indentation. |
nav | Create site navigation based off your Pages structure. |
nav:breadcrumbs | Display breadcrumb-style navigation links to your current page. |
nav:count | Return the number of pages in a Nav tree. |
nav:exists | Test whether a set of parameters will result in a page tree. |
oauth | Generate OAuth login URLs. |
obfuscate | Obfuscate content (usually email addresses) to prevent screenscraping. |
pages | Grab and iterate over child pages. |
pages:listing |
An alias of the pages tag, for backwards compatibility.
pages:next | Grab the next Pages relative to your current Page. |
pages:previous | Grab the previous Pages relative to your current Page. |
parent | Grab the current page's parent's page data. You follow that? |
partial | Render a partial template. |
path | Prepend a URL/string with the current site root. |
redirect | Redirect to another page. |
relate | Grab data through relationships. |
routes | Loop through your Template Routes and access inline data. |
search | Perform searches and display results in your templates. |
search:form | How to create a search form. |
section | Extract a section of template that can be retrieved in a Yield Tag. |
session | Get, set, and forget data in your user's session. |
session:dump | The session:dump tag is used to inspect the user session for debugging purposes. |
session:flash | The session:flash tag is used to store data for a single request. |
session:flush | The session:flush tag is used to clear the entire user session. |
session:forget | The session:forget tag is used to remove data from the user session. |
session:set | The session:set tag is used to store and persist data in the user session. |
switch | Loop over a set of values repeatedly. |
taxonomy | Fetch and filter Taxonomy terms. |
taxonomy:listing |
An alias of the taxonomy tag.
theme | Get the name of your theme. |
theme:asset | Get the URL to a file in your theme. |
theme:css | Get the URL to a stylesheet file in your theme. |
theme:img | Get the URL to an image in your theme. |
theme:js | Get the URL to a javascript file in your theme. |
theme:output | Render the output of any file in your theme. |
theme:partial | Render a partial template. |
trans | Translates a string |
trans_choice | Translates a string, using pluralization |
user |
Alias of the user:profile Tag.
user:can | Check if a user has a specific permission. |
user:forgot_password_form | Generates necessary markup for a User "Forgot Password" form. |
user:in | Check if a user is in a specific user group. |
user:is | Check if a user has a specific role. |
user:login_form | Generate necessary markup to create a User login form. |
user:logout | Log a user out immediately and redirect them elsewhere. |
user:logout_url | Generates a user's logout URL. |
user:not_in | Check if a user is not in a specific user group. |
user:profile | Grab and display User data. |
user:register_form | Generate necessary markup to create a User register form. |
user:reset_password_form |
Generate necessary <form> markup to reset a user's password.
users | Grab, filter, and iterate over Users and their profile data. |
widont | Prevent widows in your content. |
yield | Output a section of template that was captured with a Section Tag. |
Related Reading: Antlers Template Language.