

Get all entries.

Entry::all(); // Returns EntryCollection

Get all entries in a collection

Entry::whereCollection($collection); // Returns EntryCollection

Get the number of entries in a collection

Entry::countWhereCollection($collection); // Returns an integer

This is significantly more performant than using Entry::whereCollection($collection)->count();.

Get an entry by ID.

Entry::find($id); // Returns Entry

Get an entry by slug (and collection).

Entry::whereSlug($slug, $collection); // Returns Entry

Get an entry by URI.

Entry::whereUri($uri); // Returns Entry

Check if an entry exists.

Entry::exists($id); // Returns a boolean

Check if an entry exists by slug.

Entry::slugExists($slug, $collection); // Returns a boolean

Create an entry.

This returns an instance of a EntryFactory to allow you to chain and build your entry.

Entry::create($slug); // Returns EntryFactory

Import using:

use Statamic\API\Entry