Helper Methods

From within any addon aspect, the following methods will be available to you.

The following methods can all be accessed within addon classes by using $this->method().



Returns the name of the addon, uncustomized by meta.yaml.

For example, if you call this method from within site/addons/MyAddon/MyAddonTags.php, it will return MyAddon.


Returns the fully qualified class name of appropriate addon aspect.

For example, if you call this method from within site/addons/MyAddon/MyAddonTags.php, it will return Statamic\Addons\MyAddon\MyAddonTags.


Returns the name of the addon. If one has been specified in meta.yaml, it will use that. Otherwise it will use getAddonClassName().


Returns the contents of meta.yaml as an array.


Returns the directory this addon’s file is in.

For example, if you call this method from within site/addons/MyAddon/MyAddonTags.php, it will return site/addons/MyAddon.


emitEvent($event, $payload)

Emits an event, namespaced by your addon. $payload is available to listeners as the first argument.

For example, $this->emitEvent('hello') would emit MyAddon.hello.


Exactly the same as actionUrl. Kept around for backwards compatibility.


Returns an action URL with the $url appended to it.

For example, $this->actionUrl('foo/bar') would return /!/MyAddon/foo/bar.



Gets the API class of the specified addon.


getConfig($keys, $default = null)

Retrieves a value from the addon’s config. If you specify an array of keys, the first match found will be returned. If nothing is found, the default will be returned.

getConfigBool($keys, $default = null)

Same as getConfig, but will convert the returned value to a boolean.

no, false, 0, '', and -1 will be treated as false. Anything else will be true.

getConfigInt($keys, $default = null)

Same as getConfig, but will convert the returned value to an integer.



Returns an instance of a Statamic\Email\Builder, and sets the views path to the addon’s views directory.

The Blink cache is the shortest cache. It only spans the length of the request.

Returns blink data saved under $key, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

Saves a $value to the blink cache under a $key.

Checks if a given $key exists in the blink cache.

Increments the value saved in $key by $increment. Assumes the value is numeric.

Clears the entire blink cache.

Gets all the blink values.


The system cache will be saved until it is manually purged.

cache->get($key, $default = null)

Returns cached data saved under $key, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

cache->put($key, $value, $mins = null)

Saves a $value to the cache under a $key for a specified number of minutes. If no time is specified, it’ll be saved forever.


Checks if a given $key exists in the cache.

Cookies are saved to the browser and can be cleared by a user at any point.

Returns a cookie’s data saved under $key, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

Saves a $value to the cookie named $key for a specified number of minutes. If no time is specified, it’ll be saved for 5 years.

Delete a cookie named $key.

Checks if a cookie named $key exists.


Storage will save files under site/storage. Using these helpers, data will automatically be saved into your addon’s subfolder, eg. site/storage/addons/MyAddon/$key.

storage->put($key, $data)

Saves mixed Data to storage under $key.

storage->putYAML($key, $data)

Saves an array to storage under $key, as a .yaml file.

storage->putSerialized($key, $data)

Saves an array to storage under $key, as a .php file with a serialized string.

storage->putJSON($key, $data)

Saves an array to storage under $key, as a .json file.

storage->get($key, $default = null)

Returns stored data saved under $key, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

storage->getYAML($key, $default = null)

Returns the array stored as YAML saved under $key.yaml, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

storage->getSerialized($key, $default = null)

Returns the array stored as a serialized string saved under $key.php, or $default if it doesn’t exist.

storage->getJSON($key, $default = null)

Returns the array stored as JSON saved under $key.json, or $default if it doesn’t exist.


Check if data exists in storage under $key. Returns true/false


Delete a file under $key from storage.

Last modified on January 24, 2019