
Widgets let you display anything you like on the Control Panel dashboard. From important sales data to a random Chuck Norris joke of the day.

Creating a Widget

To create a widget, you will need a class file named [AddonName]Widget.php. eg. ComplimentWidget.php.

You can also generate one with a command:

php please make:widget AddonName

Here’s a basic widget:


namespace Statamic\Addons\Compliment;

use Statamic\Extend\Widget;

class ComplimentWidget extends Widget
    public function html()
        return '<p>You look extra handsome today.</p>';

Simply add an html method that returns a string. That’s it.

Adding the widget to the dashboard

In your Control Panel settings (Configure > Settings > Control Panel or site/settings/cp.yaml), add your widget to the array:

    type: compliment

You are free to add the same type of widget multiple times, with (or without) different parameters.

Multiple Widgets

Since 2.6, an addon may have more than one widget. One “primary” widget, and multiple “secondary” widgets.

Directory Structure

You may store your widget classes either in the root directory, like so:

|-- BaconWidget.php
|-- BitsWidget.php
`-- meta.yaml

…or within a Widgets directory/namespace if you wish to stay more organized:

|-- Widgets
|   |-- BaconWidget.php
|   `-- BitsWidget.php
`-- meta.yaml

Primary vs. Secondary

An addon’s primary widget will use the name of the addon.

type: addon

This will correspond to the Statamic\Addons\YourAddon\YourAddonWidget or Statamic\Addons\YourAddon\Widgets\YourAddonWidget class.

Secondary widgets will be use the name of the addon and the secondary name, delimited by a dot.

type: addon.secondary

This will correspond to the Statamic\Addons\YourAddon\SecondaryWidget or Statamic\Addons\YourAddon\Widgets\SecondaryWidget class.

Working with Input

Widgets, like all parts of an Addon, have access to the addon’s configuration with the $this->getConfig() methods. Configuration files are a great place to store default values, especially for values that a user may want to change across all widget instances.

Widgets also have parameters which are used for configuration on the instance-level. For example, in the fictional compliment widget above, you may want to specify the gender of the person receiving the compliment. Your widget can access these parameter values with the $this->getParam() methods.

  • $this->getParam('gender') to get a string.
  • $this->getParamBool('enthusiastic') to get a boolean.
  • $this->getParamInt('enthusiasm_level') to get an integer.

There are also super methods that will retrieve values from parameter or config (in that order) if none was found.

  • $this->get('gender')
  • $this->getBool('enthusiastic')
  • $this->getInt('enthusiasm_level')

Let’s say we have the following in the site/addons/compliment.yaml file:

gender: male
enthusiastic: true
enthusiasm_level: 2

and the following in the site/settings/cp.yaml file:

  type: compliment
  type: compliment
  gender: female
public function html()
    $adjective = ($this->get('gender') === 'male') ? 'handsome' : 'beautiful';

    $punctuation = ($this->getBool('enthusiastic'))
      ? str_repeat('!', $this->getInt('enthusiasm_level'))
      : '.';

    return '<p>You look extra ' . $adjective . ' today' . $punctuation . '</p>';

In the first widget, we’ll see a male compliment since the gender was not specified as a parameter, and will come from the config.

In the second, we’ll see a female compliment, since the gender was specified.

In both cases, the compliment will end with 2 exclamation points, since enthusiastic and enthusiasm_level are retrieved from the config.

Last modified on July 18, 2017