
Addons can be configured using a number of settings. While these are stored in a YAML file, it's simple to create a UI for editing these through the Control Panel.


Instead of hard-coding values into your addon, you may allow them to be user-configurable. You may leverage this using configuration settings.

// Instead of hardcoding values...
$message = 'Hello John!';

// Use a config setting!
$name = $this->getConfig('greeting_name', 'John');
$message = "Hello {$name}!";

You should add all your settings to default.yaml in your addon folder. As the filename suggests, these will act as the default values.

If a user wants to override a setting they may create a site/addons/addon_name.yaml file and add the value in there. Note that the whole default.yaml doesn’t need to be copied. Only the values that they wish to override need to be in there.

Creating a Settings UI

A nice alternative to opening YAML files is the ability to edit settings through the Control Panel.

To allow your users to edit your configuration settings, simply create a settings.yaml fieldset in your addon’s folder.

    type: text

You should not include display or instructions values. Instead, these should be added to your addon’s resources/lang/en/settings.php file.

return [
    'foo' => 'Foo',
    'foo_instruct' => "What's a foo? You tell me."

Of course, these strings may be translated into other languages by using separate files.

Retrieving config settings

You can use $this->getConfig($value, $fallback) (as well as the type-casting alternatives: getConfigInt, getConfigBool, etc) to retrieve a value.

Config settings can be used from within any addon aspect.

Last modified on September 9, 2016