Getting Started

Eager to dive in?

Welcome, fellow developer! We’ll give you a tip straight out of the box. Become friendly with the please console command. You can do a bunch of neat things from there. One of which is to create a new addon:

php please make:addon MyAddon

It’ll ask you some questions and generate all the necessary boilerplate files you’ll need. Whether you need just a Tags class or the whole kaboodle, this command will be your friend.

Meta Data

The first step in building an addon is to create a metadata file. This tells Statamic about your addon and will display it in the addon manager.

Create a meta.yaml file in the root of your addon folder, and swap out our fictional addon details below with your own.

name: Charging Bison
version: 1.0
description: Charge your customers with the grace of a Bison.
developer: Statamic
commercial: true

Congratulations, you’ve built an addon!

Well, kinda. It doesn’t do anything yet, but not to worry. We’ll get there.

Technically this step is only required if you plan to display details in the Addons section of the control panel.

If you want to whip up a little doo-dad and don’t plan to share it with the world, you probably don’t need a meta file. You may even consider creating a site helper instead of an addon.

Marking your addon as commercial won’t dump money into your bank account (sorry, we wish it did!), but it will automatically add a license_key field to your settings page.

Code Structure

Statamic uses PSR-4 Autoloading to load addons in the site/addons/ folder. This basically means that as long as you name your PHP files correctly, your addons will start working just by existing.

Your addon’s folder needs to live in a directory named after the StudlyCased name of your addon. Have an addon named Bacon Bits? You’ll want to create site/addons/BaconBits/.

Case is important! Be sure to name your files and class names in StudlyCase.

OSX/macOS is case insensitive. Linux is case sensitive. This mismatch in behavior can lead to things working locally in development and then suddenly not working when your Linux production server interprets filenames differently.

What often can happen is when Statamic requests SomeClass.php, a Mac will try to be nice and provide the closest alternative, such as someclass.php, but once you push to a server running Linux, it will be looking for SomeClass.php, and things break. Oops.

Installing an Addon

Most addons are considered “installed” simply by the presence of their files being in the proper location of your site.

However, if your addon has Composer dependencies it won’t be treated as “installed” until the dependencies have been installed too. You can do this by running the following command:

php please update:addons

If you want to determine if an addon is installed programmatically, you can do this with the function $addon->isInstalled().

Last modified on April 7, 2019