

This class lets you manipulate files on the Statamic’s various filesystems.


The way you’d use this class is generally to specify the disk you want to target, then the method.

If you look at the class itself, you will only see two methods and wonder where everything else is. The bulk of the file methods are located in Statamic\Filesystem\FileAccessor.

However, you shouldn’t access that class directly. Instead, use the disk() method to generate a new instance for you:

// Get a page from the "content" filesystem.
// By default this is located in site/content/

Alternatively, if you call methods directly on the API class, the default disk will be used.

// The default disk accepts paths relative to the root of your website.

Keep in mind that the filesystems are designed to be moved around. If you intend on manipulating files that are supposed to be in one disk – like “content” – you should use that disk instead of the default.



Get an instance of FileAccessor, constructed with the specified filesystem disk. You may chain an additional method onto this.

$disk = File::disk('content'); // Returns FileAccessor
$disk->put('myfile.txt', 'contents');

// or simply...
File::disk('content')->put('myfile.txt', 'contents');


Get the underlying Laravel filesystem adapter.

File::filesystem(); // Returns \Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem


Get a file’s contents, with a fallback value if the file doesn’t exist.

File::get($file, $fallback = null); // Returns a string


Check if a file exists.

File::exists($file); // Returns a boolean


Put content into a file. It will either create a new file or overwrite an existing one.

File::put($file, $contents); // Returns a boolean


Copy a file from one location to another. Accepts a boolean third argument which specifies if the destination should be overwritten if it already exists. By default, it won’t.

File::copy($src, $dest, $overwrite = false); // Returns a boolean


Delete a file.

File::delete($file); // Returns a boolean


Rename a file.

File::rename($old, $new);


Get the MIME type of a file.

File::mimeType($path); // Returns a string


Get the last modified timestamp.

File::lastModified($file); // Returns an integer


Get the size of the file, in bytes.

File::size($file); // Returns a integer


Get the size of the file, in human readable terms.

File::sizeHuman($file); // Returns a string, eg. "1 GB", "25 KB", "12 bytes", etc


Get the file extension from a file path. This method doesn’t care which disk you use, and the file doesn’t have to actually exist.

File::extension('foo.txt'); // Returns "txt"


Determine if a file is an image. This method doesn’t care which disk you use, and the file doesn’t have to actually exist. It checks if the extension is jpg, jpeg, png, or gif.

File::isImage($file); // Returns a boolean

Import using:

use Statamic\API\File