

Inheritance: ContentCollection > DataCollection > Illuminate\Support\Collection


An EntryCollection is used to hold a collection of Entry objects.

This is not to be confused with a CollectionFolder, which is like what a Taxonomy is to a Term.

The examples on this page use simple values to make things easier to understand.

Creating a Collection

You can create an EntryCollection in a similar fashion to a ContentCollection or a regular collection.

$collection = collect_entries([1, 2, 3]);

Available Methods

Just like regular collections, the following methods can be chained for fluent manipulation of the underlying array.

Remove Future

Remove entries with a date in the future.

$collection = collect([$past1, $past2, $future1]);

$collection->removeFuture()->all(); // [$past1, $past2]

Remove Past

Remove entries with a date in the past.

$collection = collect([$past1, $past2, $future1]);

$collection->removePast()->all(); // [$future1]

Remove Before

Remove entries with a date before a given date. The given date will be parsed by Carbon.

$collection = collect([$before1, $before2, $after1]);

$collection->removeBefore('-1 week')->all(); // [$after1]

Remove After

Remove entries with a date after a given date. The given date will be parsed by Carbon.

$collection = collect([$before1, $before2, $after1]);

$collection->removeAfter('+1 week')->all(); // [$before1, $before2]

Import using:

use Statamic\Data\Entries\EntryCollection