Protecting Content

Control who can or can't see each page of content. Or, even protect your whole site in one fell swoop.


As of 2.6, you may protect your content from unwanted visitors with the protect variable. By setting this variable, you can allow or deny people based on their logged-in status, IP address, passwords, and more.

There are a number of schemes used for protecting content:

  • ip_address for allowing specific IP addresses.
  • logged_in for only allowing authenticated users.
  • password will force users to enter a specified password.

Whichever of these you choose, know that protect is designed to help you out. We’ve tried to keep the syntax as simple as possible while allowing for flexibility. Because of this, if Statamic sees that you’ve set protect, but it’s invalid, all users will always be denied.

Basic Usage

To protect a page, add a protect array to the front-matter, with the corresponding scheme’s configuration inside it.

For example, to use the password scheme, you might do something like this:

title: Top Secret
  type: password
  allowed: ['secret']
  form_url: /password-entry
Some top secret content.

You may protect an entire folder of pages by adding the protect variable to a folder.yaml.

If you are familiar with this feature from v1, take note that the syntax has been simplified.


If you are protecting multiple pages, you can set common values for each schema type into your settings, which will cascade down to each page usage. You may add these to the protect variable inside your site/settings/system.yaml file.

Take the following settings for example:

    form_url: /password-entry
    login_url: /login

Since the password’s form_url has been set here, you won’t need to define it on any pages that should be password protected.

title: Top Secret
  type: password
  allowed: ['secret']
  # form_url is not necessary now, since it'll cascade from your configuration.
Some top secret content.

Shorthand Usage

If you’d like to protect a page, and have provided enough configuration for that scheme in your settings file, you may simply reference the scheme name as a string:

title: My Secret Page
protect: password

IP Address Protection

Add the IP address(es) you wish to allow to the aptly named allowed array.

  type: ip_address

Logged In Protection

Adding this scheme to a page will redirect to a login page unless the user is already logged in.

  type: logged_in
  login_url: /login
  append_redirect: true

If the login_url has not been defined, the user will see an “Access Denied” page instead of a login screen. In this case, the user could log in through the Control Panel.

The append_redirect setting will add ?redirect=/the-protected-url to your login_url. This pairs with the user:login_form tag’s allow_request_redirect parameter which will redirect the user to the intended page once logging in.

Password Protection

There will be times when you want to password-protect one or more files, but don’t want to bother with having people create member accounts just to access a page. That is where using the password scheme comes in. This scheme does not relate to member accounts in any way, only one-off password entry.

The setup for this would look something like the following:

title: My Secret Content
  type: password
    - secret
    - confidential
  form_url: /password-entry
You can only see me if you have the password.
And since you're reading this, you obviously do.

The password form

Next, you’ll need to provide a way for people to enter passwords for URLs. In the above example, form_url is pointing to /password-entry, but this can be anywhere on your site.

You can either create a page, or a route for this. In the corresponding template, you should create something like this:

{{ protect:password_form }}

    {{ if no_token }}
        No token has been provided.
    {{ /if }}

    {{ if error }}
        {{ error }}
    {{ /if }}

    <input type="password" name="password" />


{{ /protect:password_form }}

The protect:password_form tag is going to wrap everything between the tags in an HTML form tag that’s pointing to the appropriate place. Note that the HTML of the form itself is up to you. The only requirements of this form are that the user is entering passwords into a field named password. Other than that you can do anything you’d like.


When visiting a password protected page, Statamic will generate a token and append it to the form’s URL. Without a token, the form cannot function correctly. In the example above, you can see that the no_token boolean will be populated for you. This may happen if you visit the form URL directly.

Invalid Passwords

If someone submits a password and it isn’t valid, Statamic will redirect the user back to the form, populating the error tag with an error message. In the example above, you can see that we’re printing it out if it’s there. Valid passwords can vary from piece of content to piece of content. This one form is smart enough to handle all password management between password-protected URLs.

Valid Passwords

A valid password is one that matches any of the passwords in the allowed list as configured on the page (or sitewide). This means that you can send three people three different passwords to access the same URL, each having their own way in. Additionally, you could also set just one password and send that to 100 people and they can all use the same password.

It should go without saying, but for the sake of completeness here be careful in how you set and give out passwords.

Password Expiration

Each user’s passwords will expire once their session has expired. To manually invalidate a password, simply remove it from the list of allowed passwords on the page. The next time a user with that password visits this page, they’ll be redirected to the password form just like everyone else.

Complete “Whole Hog” Protection

If you want to protect a page from anyone - regardless of authentication status, IP address, time of day, weather, or beverage preference - you can simply add protect: true to the front-matter.

One may find this useful to quickly disable something.

Site-wide Protection

To protect your whole site at once, you can simply add type: [scheme name] into the protect configuration variable mentioned above.

For example, to make sure your whole site is only accessible to a single IP address, you could add type: ip_address to your system.yaml like so:

  type: ip_address
    allowed: []

This feature affects only the front-end of your site. Site-wide protection will not apply to the Control Panel.

Last modified on September 30, 2018