
Creating Tests

Statamic will recognize any PHPUnit test classes (which are just PHP classes ending in Test.php) located in the site/tests or site/addons directories.

/ /
|-- addons/
|   `-- MyAddon/
|       `-- SomeTest.php
|-- site/
|   `-- tests/
|       `-- MyTest.php
`-- statamic/  

Your test classes can extend Statamic\Testing\TestCase if you need to boot up Statamic, or simply use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase for a true unit test class. Your classes do not need to be namespaced.

You may also generate a test class with a command:

php please make:test Example

Running Tests

You may run your tests using the following command:

php please test

Any additional arguments will be passed directly onto PHPUnit.
For example, php please test --group=stuff.

Running the command above will run all site and addon tests. To run only your site or addon test suites, you may use the following commands, respectively.

php please test:site
php please test:addons

In order for the individual test suites to run, you should verify that your phpunit.xml contains two testsuite nodes, named site and addons.

    <testsuite name="site">
    <testsuite name="addons">

Dev Dependencies

Statamic ships without dev dependencies. You will need to have them installed in order to run tests.

To install them, run composer install inside the statamic directory.

If you check your statamic directory into version control, you may wish to discard the changes in there since it will add a lot of extra files to your project.

Last modified on July 18, 2017